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Last update:
2 structure changes including:
2 Modifications
Modified 2
GET /v1/accounts/{accountId}/transactions
  • Response
  • default response Modified
    • application/json content type Modified
      • transactions attribute Modified
GET /v1/accounts/{accountId}/transactions/{transactionId}
  • Response
  • default response Modified
    • application/json content type Modified
      • transactionsDetails attribute Modified
3 structure changes including:
3 Modifications
Modified 3 Breaking
GET /v1/accounts/{accountId}/transactions
  • Query
  • bookingStatus query parameter Modified
  • page, size query parameters Removed
GET /v1/card-accounts/{accountId}/transactions
  • Query
  • bookingStatus query parameter Modified
  • page, size query parameters Removed
  • dateFrom, dateTo query parameters Added
  • Response
  • default response Modified
    • cardTransactions attribute Modified
GET /v1/{payment-service}/{payment-product}/{paymentId}
  • Response
  • 200 response Modified
    • BulkPaymentInitiationWithStatusResponse alternative Modified
      • tppMessage attribute Removed
10 structure changes including:
10 Modifications
Modified 10 Breaking
GET /v1/accounts
  • Response
  • default response Modified
    • accounts attribute Modified
GET /v1/accounts/{accountId}
  • Response
  • default response Modified
    • account attribute Modified
GET /v1/accounts/{accountId}/balances
  • Response
  • default response Modified
    • balances attribute Modified
GET /v1/accounts/{accountId}/transactions
  • Response
  • default response Modified
    • balances, transactions attributes Modified
GET /v1/accounts/{accountId}/transactions/{transactionId}
  • Response
  • default response Modified
    • transactionsDetails attribute Modified
GET /v1/card-accounts
  • Response
  • default response Modified
    • cardAccounts attribute Modified
GET /v1/card-accounts/{accountId}
  • Response
  • default response Modified
    • cardAccount attribute Modified
GET /v1/card-accounts/{accountId}/balances
  • Response
  • default response Modified
    • balances attribute Modified
GET /v1/card-accounts/{accountId}/transactions
  • Response
  • default response Modified
    • cardTransactions, balances attributes Modified
GET /v1/{payment-service}/{payment-product}/{paymentId}
  • Response
  • 200 response Modified
    • PaymentInitiationWithStatusResponse alternative Modified
      • tppMessage attribute Removed
    • BulkPaymentInitiationWithStatusResponse alternative Modified
      • transactionStatus attribute Modified
14 structure changes including:
4 Breaking changes
8 Additions
2 Modifications
4 Removals
Modified 2
GET /v1/{payment-service}/{payment-product}/{paymentId}
  • Response
  • 200 response Modified
    • PaymentInitiationWithStatusResponse alternative Modified
      • debtorAccount, creditorAccount attributes Modified
    • BulkPaymentInitiationWithStatusResponse alternative Modified
      • debtorAccount, payments attributes Modified
POST /v1/{payment-service}/{payment-product}
  • Body
  • content type Modified
    • PaymentInitiationJson alternative Modified
      • debtorAccount, creditorAccount attributes Modified
    • BulkPaymentInitiationJson alternative Modified
      • debtorAccount, payments attributes Modified
Removed 4 Breaking
GET /v1/accounts
GET /v1/accounts/{accountId}/balances
GET /v1/accounts/{accountId}/transactions
GET /v1/accounts/{accountId}/transactions/{transactionId}
Added 8
GET /v1/accounts
GET /v1/accounts/{accountId}/balances
GET /v1/accounts/{accountId}/transactions
GET /v1/accounts/{accountId}/transactions/{transactionId}
GET /v1/card-accounts
GET /v1/card-accounts/{accountId}
GET /v1/card-accounts/{accountId}/balances
GET /v1/card-accounts/{accountId}/transactions
9 structure changes including:
4 Additions
5 Modifications
Modified 5 Breaking
GET /v1/accounts
  • Response
  • default response Modified
    • accounts attribute Modified
  • Header
  • Signature header Added
  • Authentication
  • O auth2 authentication method Added
GET /v1/accounts/{accountId}
  • Response
  • default response Modified
    • account attribute Modified
  • Header
  • Signature header Added
  • Authentication
  • O auth2 authentication method Added
GET /v1/accounts/{accountId}/balances
  • Response
  • default response Modified
    • account attribute Modified
  • Header
  • Signature header Added
  • Authentication
  • O auth2 authentication method Added
GET /v1/accounts/{accountId}/transactions
  • Response
  • default response Modified
    • account, transactions attributes Modified
  • Query
  • entryReferenceFrom, deltaList query parameters Removed
  • Header
  • Signature header Added
  • Authentication
  • O auth2 authentication method Added
GET /v1/accounts/{accountId}/transactions/{transactionId}
  • Response
  • default response Modified
    • transactionsDetails attribute Modified
  • Header
  • Signature header Added
  • Authentication
  • O auth2 authentication method Added
Added 4
DELETE /v1/{payment-service}/{payment-product}/{paymentId}
GET /v1/{payment-service}/{payment-product}/{paymentId}
GET /v1/{payment-service}/{payment-product}/{paymentId}/status
POST /v1/{payment-service}/{payment-product}
2 structure changes including:
2 Modifications
Modified 2
GET /v1/accounts/{accountId}/transactions
  • Response
  • default response Modified
    • transactions attribute Modified
GET /v1/accounts/{accountId}/transactions/{transactionId}
  • Response
  • default response Modified
    • transactionsDetails attribute Modified
2 structure changes including:
2 Modifications
Modified 2
GET /v1/accounts/{accountId}/transactions
  • Response
  • default response Modified
    • transactions attribute Modified
  • Query
  • orderBy query parameter Added
GET /v1/accounts/{accountId}/transactions/{transactionId}
  • Response
  • default response Modified
    • transactionsDetails attribute Modified
20 structure changes including:
15 Breaking changes
5 Additions
15 Removals
Removed 15 Breaking
Webhook POST event
POST /v1/transfers
POST /v1/ibans
POST /v1/attachments
PATCH /v1/ibans/{id}
GET /v1/transactions/{id}
GET /v1/transactions
GET /v1/ibans/{id}
GET /v1/ibans
GET /v1/attachments/{id}
GET /v1/attachments
GET /v1/accounts/{id}
GET /v1/accounts
DELETE /v1/ibans/{id}
DELETE /v1/attachments/{id}
Added 5
GET /v1/accounts/{accountId}/transactions/{transactionId}
GET /v1/accounts/{accountId}/transactions
GET /v1/accounts/{accountId}/balances
GET /v1/accounts/{accountId}
GET /v1/accounts
20 structure changes including:
5 Breaking changes
15 Additions
5 Removals
Removed 5 Breaking
GET /v1/accounts/{accountId}/transactions/{transactionId}
GET /v1/accounts/{accountId}/transactions
GET /v1/accounts/{accountId}/balances
GET /v1/accounts/{accountId}
GET /v1/accounts
Added 15
Webhook POST event
POST /v1/transfers
POST /v1/ibans
POST /v1/attachments
PATCH /v1/ibans/{id}
GET /v1/transactions/{id}
GET /v1/transactions
GET /v1/ibans/{id}
GET /v1/ibans
GET /v1/attachments/{id}
GET /v1/attachments
GET /v1/accounts/{id}
GET /v1/accounts
DELETE /v1/ibans/{id}
DELETE /v1/attachments/{id}